What Should I Know About Same Sex Immigration?

When it comes to immigrating into the United States, you always need to be sure that you have your ducks in a row and understand your rights and information. In no case is this more certain than immigration situations involving same sex marriages and families. If you are a gay person seeking to immigrate with your family to the United States and want to be fully aware of your rights, consider the following information. Read More 

How Your Smartphone Can Help Prevent A DUI

If you have been charged with a DUI - driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol - then you know for certain that's not something you ever want to experience again. It's scary, it's expensive, and it could easily cost you your job and your freedom. But if you have a smartphone, it's very possible that you won't have to worry about another DUI. Yes, there's an app for that. Read More 

Tips On Being A Safer Driver While In The Car With Your Smartphone

Just about everyone has a smartphone these days, and if you're like most people, it feels like a critical element of your life. Some people can't go more than a few minutes without checking their phone, and unfortunately, this sometimes includes when they are inside their car. Everyone has heard seen the pleas of driving safety advocates in television commercials and online advertisements to put down the phone. Having to hire a car accident lawyer because someone was irresponsible with their smartphone is sad and ridiculous. Read More 

Don’t Settle For DUI Charge If You Blew On The Limit: Find A Lawyer And Fight

If you were pulled over and you are being charged with a DUI, you can fight the charges with the help of a lawyer. There can be many traces of evidence you aren't aware of, and you don't want to speak with the police until you have a lawyer with you. If you don't feel that you should have blown at the limit, or you think that the testing may have been inaccurate, the lawyer can help you get out of the charges. Read More 

Raising A Special Education Student: Knowing Your Child’s Rights

Far too many parents believe that special education programs limit their child's potential. However, the truth is that children who participate in these programs are provided many legal rights that other students may not receive. It is these rights that will help your child to realize their true potential, but only if you understand these rights and how they can be used to advocate for your child. The Right To Be Informed Read More