If you have damaged your car in an accident, you may be tempted to use your collision coverage to fix the car instead of pursuing a car accident claim against the at-fault driver. Unfortunately, this would be a mistake for the following reasons:
Your Policy Limits Apply
A collision coverage policy has a dollar limit on how much you can collect from the insurance company in case your car is damaged in a collision.
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If someone you know is in an abusive relationship, your first instinct may be to help them. But if you do not approach helping them in the right way, you may accidentally do more harm than good. Follow these tips when attempting to help a friend who is a victim of domestic violence.
Do: Express concern rather than accusing them.
You may wonder why your friend would possibly stay with someone who is abusive.
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From the time of your injury, you may have been on a journey toward eventual compensation. This journey can be lengthy, but if you can prove your case you will be compensated in a fair and adequate manner, Of course, there must some funds available in the first place, since money, unfortunately, really doesn't grow on trees. Read on to learn more about getting paid for your damages.
The contingency fee and damages availability connection
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Accidents on the open water that kill all of the occupants of a boat can leave behind shattered families and lots of unanswered questions. Unfortunately, if you think that you may want to sue for the wrongful death of someone onboard the boat, you may not have time to wait for answers. Here are some things that you need to know.
The Probate System May Force You to File a Claim Early
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Those who are intoxicated and get behind the wheel are taking some big risks, and if you are injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Not only is drunk driving not a good excuse for causing the accident, but it could also mean criminal charges for the driver that caused the wreck. Read on to learn more about getting compensated for a drunk-driving accident.
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