3 Ways A Divorce Lawyer Can Help You Get Divorced Faster

Couples who have been married for many years and have kids together may find the divorce process complicated and difficult. There are some married couples, however, who have no kids and few assets, and it may be relatively easy to get divorced. If you and your spouse want to get divorced as quickly as possible, there are three ways a divorce lawyer can help you speed up the process.

A No-Fault Divorce is the Fastest Way to Get Divorced

If there are no issues between you and your spouse, and you both are in agreement with how property, child custody, and child support will be divided, you may qualify for a no-fault divorce. Rather than having to cite a specific legal reason to get divorced, such as fraud or adultery, you can cite irreconcilable differences. A no-fault divorce lawyer can usually prepare the documentation in a day or two from your initial meeting. Once you and your spouse have signed off on stipulated terms, your paperwork can be submitted to the court. Because all terms are predetermined and agreed to, a judge will usually sign the Decree of Divorce within a month, without requiring a hearing. 

Divorce Mediation Prevents the Need for an Expensive Trial

Another way to avoid a long conflict and to avoid a really expensive divorce is to hire a lawyer to mediate the issues. Couples who still work well together may hire one lawyer to work as a mediator between them, but in many cases it's best if each party has their own lawyer and that a third-party mediator is brought in to help the mediation process. For couples who are determined to compromise and get divorced quickly, mediation can be completed in one or two sessions. Lawyers who specialize in mediation can ensure that both parties are being treated fairly, and that each party understands their rights as spouses and parents.

Divorce Separation Periods Can Be Waived

If there is no chance you and your spouse can work things out, you may be able to waive the separation period required by the law in your state. Each state has different requirements, but it's typically a few months. If you both agree that the waiting period should be waived, and you are willing to sign a stipulation to that effect, your lawyer can file a petition with your divorce paperwork to have the period waived. 

If the issues of your marriage are settled, or mostly settled, and you want to get out fast, then an experienced divorce attorney has the tools to help you do that. Visiting a lawyer for a legal consultation will help you find out which of the above options will be best for your circumstances.
